Technical Skills
I am a full-stack developer harnessing my passion for solving complex problems and my background as a professional musician to think outside the box and build effective software solutions.
As a Developer, I Can...
- Implement Projects Independently: While building projects in online courses using step-by-step instructions, it felt like the instructor was doing the bulk of the thinking for me. I made it a priority to build each of the projects below without a guide using a combination of familiar and unfamiliar tools. This allowed me to encounter more challenges and hone my ability to solve them without a safety net.
- Build Front-end and Back-end Tools: From reactive front-end applications like Interactive Pathfinder to robust back-end servers like Budget API, I have experience designing and building projects for various layers of large-scale applications.
- Learn New Software Stacks: The bulk of my growth as a developer thus far has been self directed. Therefore, I'm confident that I can continue learning new tools independently or as part of team.
As a Musician, I Can...
- Think Abstractly to Solve Problems: Music can feel like a magical wash of sound to the listener. However, in order to make any measurable improvements, it's been my job as a musician to identify abstract goals (e.g. "How can I make this melody sound more intense?" or "How can this note sound more beautiful?") and devise specific, actionable plans for achieving them.
- Communicate Effectively with Teammates: Whether I'm collaborating with a single violinist for a recital or directing thirty vocalists for an opera, I've found that effective communication throughout the rehearsal process is vital for producing quality performances. It promotes partnerships based on mutual respect, reduces misunderstanding, and makes it easier to accomplish the task at hand.
- Tackle New Challenges Strategically: With over 400 years of repertoire, even the most seasoned classical musician will encounter music with unfamiliar technical and musical challenges. I've developed a reliable routine for examining new challenges and giving them proper context so I can practice and perform whatever music is required of me.